John's Current Educational Activities Links
Online Diagnosis+Nutrition TM Health Coach Training 24 classes
Online Video 10 Class Program
Online Audio 11 Class Program
Online Diagnosis and Traditional Foods Single Video Program
Online Programs Bundle
New York City and New Jersey
Long Island
Natural Health Education Online, In Person and on CD and DVD
Come study with John Kozinski on the topics of diet, lifestyle, natural foods, healing, health maintenance, healthcare, Integrative Diagnosis (ID), traditional shaman and macrobiotic cultures, energy healing, KI Acupressure - Shiatsu, qigong, macrobiotic philosophy, current events related to natural living, and more………….
Classes can be designed to meet the needs of your group. Private tutoring is available.
Current, Progressive and Integrative Macrobiotic Education Lectures 2006-2016 (more to be added soon)
To Place an order call 413-623-5925 or email: [email protected]
1. 3 CD set "Remarkable Remedies
2. What Your Hands Reveal About Your Health CD
3. Women's Health Issues and Concerns CD
4. Cholesterol Myths CD
5. Healing Foods & Remedies CD
6. Health & Behavior, False Moods & True Moods CD
7. Natural Macrobiotic Remedy Update CD
8. Creating Emotional Well Being CD
9. Diagnosis CD
10. Macrobiotic Views of Life CD
11. Sustainable Health CD
12. Macrobiotic Philosophy of Health and Healing CD
13. Macrobiotic Philosophy of Eating CD
14. Hypoglycemia, The Sugar Blues CD
15. Myths & Truths about Food and Health CD
16. Natural Remedies for Common Health Problems of Families and Children CD
17. More Remarkable Remedies CD
18. How to Boost Your Everyday Energy and Vitality CD
19. Extreme Foods That Weaken Vitality CD
20. Moods, Health and Behavior CD
21. Macrobiotic Philosophy of Health and Healing Update CD
22. Lifestyle Practices for Health & Healing Part 2 CD
23. Macrobiotic Food and Nutrient Remedies for the 21st Century CD
24. Are You Happy, Yet? The Link between Health and Happiness CD
25. Macrobiotics after You’re Done Eating CD
26. Blood Sugar, Brain Chemicals and the Search for the Perfect Relationship CD
27. Macrobiotic Healing: Common Health Problems CD
28. Food Energetics of Carbohydrates and Fats: Traditional and
Modern Nutrition Combined DVD/CD
29. Food Energetics of Proteins, Vitamins B12, A and Calcium:
Traditional Holistic and Modern Nutrition Combined DVD/CD
30. Health, Emotions, and Behavior DVD/CD
31. What Your Face Reveals About Your Health DVD/CD
32. The Eight Macrobiotic Healing Strategies CD/DVD
33. Non Credo Macrobiotics and the Power of Belief CD/DVD
34. Lifestyle Practices for Health and Healing Part 1 CD/DVD
35. Natural Remedies for Common Health Problems of Families
and Children Update CD/DVD
36. Healing Down to the Bones CD/DVD
37. Are You Addicted? CD/DVD
38. The Truth About Heart Disease CD/DVD
39. Feng Shui Astrology: Understanding Your Character, Personality
and Health Tendencies CD/DVD
40. A Macrobiotic Approach to Herbs for Food and Healing CD/DVD
41. Your Body Type: What It Means for Your Health and Happiness CD/DVD
42. Are You Addicted Update CD/DVD
43. Feel like you’re on your last legs? How to Add Years to Your Life & Life to
Your Years! CD/DVD
44. Energy at Your Fingertips: Self-Acupressure for Greater Health and Vitality CD
45. Preventing and Recovering from Diabetes CD
46. Prevention and Cures for the coming Flu and Cold Season CD
47. Stress Busters: How to Create Health and Happiness in the New Year CD
48. Detox Macro Style: How to Stay Healthy in a Toxic World CD
49. Supercharge Your Immunity: How to Support Healing and Sustainable Health
through Immune Boosting Foods and Practices CD
50. Understanding Diabetes: Its Causes and Effects CD
51. Discover Your Condition of Health: Self-Diagnosis, Remedies and Advice (3 CD Set)
52. Oriental Visual Diagnosis Evaluation Methods (3 CD Set)
53. Spring Detox: Activate Your Liver to Eliminate Toxins and Become a Long Liver J CD
54. Deadly Carbohydrates and Sugar Blues: How to Avoid the Cravings and Health Problems CD
55. Rock Your World: Learn the Astounding Truths of Natural Health Practices for
Health and Healing CD
56. The Big Game of Life: Levels of Awareness We All Live By CD
57. Taking the Confusion out of Health and Healing: A New Holistic Approach CD
58. Diagnosing and Balancing the Emotions CD
59. You Are What You Digest: Strengthening the Digestive Fire, the Secret to Amazing Health CD
60. Digestion is the Key to Health
61. Reality check: What is Too Wide or Too Narrow a Macrobiotic Diet?
62 Macrobiotic Remedies and Diagnosis for the 21st Century
63. 8 Top Macrobiotic Healing Strategies
64. How to produce the happiness brain chemicals
65. How healthy are you?
66. How to avoid the 5 common nutritional deficiencies in natural eating
67. How to diagnose nutritional deficiencies
68. Macrobiotic and Visual Diagnosis
69. A Comprehensive Natural Approach to Common Health Problems
70. The Skinny on Fat CD/DVD
71. Where’s the Protein CD/DVD
72. The Stress Organ: Are you running on empty?
73. Conquering Anxiety and Depression 2 cd set
74. Healthy Weight: Surprising Myths and Truths
75. Nutritional Wealth versus Nutritional Poverty: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Restrictive
Natural Eating by using Traditional Wisdom 2 cd set
76. Winter Survival: Food, Supplements and Herbs for Cold’s and Flu’s Prevention and Healing
77. Chi Gung workshop DVD
78. Creating a Strong Heart: The Hidden Cause of Heart Disease
79. Holistic Eastern/ Western Diagnosis and Food Remedies for Healing 2 cd set
80. New Discoveries in Food, Health, and Healing for the 21st Century
81. Chanting for Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind
82. The Eyes are the Windows to Your Health: Eye Diagnosis for the Springtime or Anytime
Online Diagnosis+Nutrition TM Health Coach Training 24 classes
Online Video 10 Class Program
Online Audio 11 Class Program
Online Diagnosis and Traditional Foods Single Video Program
Online Programs Bundle
New York City and New Jersey
Long Island
Natural Health Education Online, In Person and on CD and DVD
Come study with John Kozinski on the topics of diet, lifestyle, natural foods, healing, health maintenance, healthcare, Integrative Diagnosis (ID), traditional shaman and macrobiotic cultures, energy healing, KI Acupressure - Shiatsu, qigong, macrobiotic philosophy, current events related to natural living, and more………….
Classes can be designed to meet the needs of your group. Private tutoring is available.
Current, Progressive and Integrative Macrobiotic Education Lectures 2006-2016 (more to be added soon)
To Place an order call 413-623-5925 or email: [email protected]
1. 3 CD set "Remarkable Remedies
2. What Your Hands Reveal About Your Health CD
3. Women's Health Issues and Concerns CD
4. Cholesterol Myths CD
5. Healing Foods & Remedies CD
6. Health & Behavior, False Moods & True Moods CD
7. Natural Macrobiotic Remedy Update CD
8. Creating Emotional Well Being CD
9. Diagnosis CD
10. Macrobiotic Views of Life CD
11. Sustainable Health CD
12. Macrobiotic Philosophy of Health and Healing CD
13. Macrobiotic Philosophy of Eating CD
14. Hypoglycemia, The Sugar Blues CD
15. Myths & Truths about Food and Health CD
16. Natural Remedies for Common Health Problems of Families and Children CD
17. More Remarkable Remedies CD
18. How to Boost Your Everyday Energy and Vitality CD
19. Extreme Foods That Weaken Vitality CD
20. Moods, Health and Behavior CD
21. Macrobiotic Philosophy of Health and Healing Update CD
22. Lifestyle Practices for Health & Healing Part 2 CD
23. Macrobiotic Food and Nutrient Remedies for the 21st Century CD
24. Are You Happy, Yet? The Link between Health and Happiness CD
25. Macrobiotics after You’re Done Eating CD
26. Blood Sugar, Brain Chemicals and the Search for the Perfect Relationship CD
27. Macrobiotic Healing: Common Health Problems CD
28. Food Energetics of Carbohydrates and Fats: Traditional and
Modern Nutrition Combined DVD/CD
29. Food Energetics of Proteins, Vitamins B12, A and Calcium:
Traditional Holistic and Modern Nutrition Combined DVD/CD
30. Health, Emotions, and Behavior DVD/CD
31. What Your Face Reveals About Your Health DVD/CD
32. The Eight Macrobiotic Healing Strategies CD/DVD
33. Non Credo Macrobiotics and the Power of Belief CD/DVD
34. Lifestyle Practices for Health and Healing Part 1 CD/DVD
35. Natural Remedies for Common Health Problems of Families
and Children Update CD/DVD
36. Healing Down to the Bones CD/DVD
37. Are You Addicted? CD/DVD
38. The Truth About Heart Disease CD/DVD
39. Feng Shui Astrology: Understanding Your Character, Personality
and Health Tendencies CD/DVD
40. A Macrobiotic Approach to Herbs for Food and Healing CD/DVD
41. Your Body Type: What It Means for Your Health and Happiness CD/DVD
42. Are You Addicted Update CD/DVD
43. Feel like you’re on your last legs? How to Add Years to Your Life & Life to
Your Years! CD/DVD
44. Energy at Your Fingertips: Self-Acupressure for Greater Health and Vitality CD
45. Preventing and Recovering from Diabetes CD
46. Prevention and Cures for the coming Flu and Cold Season CD
47. Stress Busters: How to Create Health and Happiness in the New Year CD
48. Detox Macro Style: How to Stay Healthy in a Toxic World CD
49. Supercharge Your Immunity: How to Support Healing and Sustainable Health
through Immune Boosting Foods and Practices CD
50. Understanding Diabetes: Its Causes and Effects CD
51. Discover Your Condition of Health: Self-Diagnosis, Remedies and Advice (3 CD Set)
52. Oriental Visual Diagnosis Evaluation Methods (3 CD Set)
53. Spring Detox: Activate Your Liver to Eliminate Toxins and Become a Long Liver J CD
54. Deadly Carbohydrates and Sugar Blues: How to Avoid the Cravings and Health Problems CD
55. Rock Your World: Learn the Astounding Truths of Natural Health Practices for
Health and Healing CD
56. The Big Game of Life: Levels of Awareness We All Live By CD
57. Taking the Confusion out of Health and Healing: A New Holistic Approach CD
58. Diagnosing and Balancing the Emotions CD
59. You Are What You Digest: Strengthening the Digestive Fire, the Secret to Amazing Health CD
60. Digestion is the Key to Health
61. Reality check: What is Too Wide or Too Narrow a Macrobiotic Diet?
62 Macrobiotic Remedies and Diagnosis for the 21st Century
63. 8 Top Macrobiotic Healing Strategies
64. How to produce the happiness brain chemicals
65. How healthy are you?
66. How to avoid the 5 common nutritional deficiencies in natural eating
67. How to diagnose nutritional deficiencies
68. Macrobiotic and Visual Diagnosis
69. A Comprehensive Natural Approach to Common Health Problems
70. The Skinny on Fat CD/DVD
71. Where’s the Protein CD/DVD
72. The Stress Organ: Are you running on empty?
73. Conquering Anxiety and Depression 2 cd set
74. Healthy Weight: Surprising Myths and Truths
75. Nutritional Wealth versus Nutritional Poverty: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Restrictive
Natural Eating by using Traditional Wisdom 2 cd set
76. Winter Survival: Food, Supplements and Herbs for Cold’s and Flu’s Prevention and Healing
77. Chi Gung workshop DVD
78. Creating a Strong Heart: The Hidden Cause of Heart Disease
79. Holistic Eastern/ Western Diagnosis and Food Remedies for Healing 2 cd set
80. New Discoveries in Food, Health, and Healing for the 21st Century
81. Chanting for Your Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind
82. The Eyes are the Windows to Your Health: Eye Diagnosis for the Springtime or Anytime