How to Be Safe on a Vegan Diet
by John Kozinski copyright July 2015
There are many reasons that people want to eat a vegan diet or a diet with absolutely no animal source products. There are ecological, social, health, and ethical reasons that are used to convince people to avoid all animal foods.
On the other hand, believe it or not, there are many people who argue that humans are purely carnivorous and that eating vegetables is unhealthy. Their arguments can seem as logical as vegans, but there is a great problem.
We live in a polarized world with everyone demonizing their perceived enemies. In the United States, politics are extremely nasty in some circles, never compromising one inch. In the world of diet, there are many absolutists that say meat or carbs or fats or cooked food is evil. No one wants to listen to the other side, but this is a great mistake because I’ve discovered over the years that the truth is usually in the middle.
After more than 40 years of studying, counseling and teaching people about diet, I believe the best diet for people is one that is natural and omnivorous including both animal and vegetable foods, yet I respect everyone’s choice of diet. I understand the Latin phrase, de gustibus non est disputandum, "In matters of taste, there can be no disputes" (literally "about tastes, it should not be disputed/discussed"). Our opinions that we believe are matters of taste.
I would like to help people eat a safer vegan diet. I have seen over the past 40 years lots of health problems including serious life threatening illnesses in those practicing an animal free vegan diet for many years. This led me to study and research unbiased nutritional and longevity diet information to find answers to help avoid the illnesses and deaths that were occurring among friends and colleagues.
Here are the main areas that I find can help people be safer on vegan diets.
Getting enough calories for energy is very important for keeping your metabolism healthy. Focus on calorie dense foods as the base of your meals. These include grains, tubers, natural fats and some sweeteners, fruits and juices.
The vegan foods that are highest in protein are still very low. Prepare a protein drink 1-2 times per day, aiming for 40-60 grams of protein per day. Bigger people need more and smaller less. Choose rice or pea protein powders. Soy protein can hurt the thyroid. Hemp protein, high in omega 3 fats can lower your metabolism causing a host of problems. I recommend avoiding soy and hemp protein. Avoid tofu and tempeh or eat these foods very infrequently.
Protein deficiencies affect moods, red and white blood cells, the immune system and all the muscles in your body including those in the digestive system. A lack of complete proteins can cause the liver to malfunction, and not rid the body of toxins.
Many vegans eat too many inflammatory polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Inflammation is a main cause of disease. The best fat to eat is a vegetable saturated fat, coconut oil followed by olive oil. Meat and other animal foods have a stimulating effect on the metabolism. Without animal foods, coconut oil can stimulate the metabolism.
These fats, also, raise the calorie count. Have a least a few tablespoons per day or 1 tablespoon or more at meals.
There are vitamins that are only readily available in animal source foods. For those who wish to stay healthy, it is important to supplement missing nutrients. These include B 12, B 6 and other B vitamins, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin A and D, and for some, specific amino acids such as L-Tyrosine or L-Carnitine. Certain individuals require other specific supplementation according to their present health condition. In vegetarian/vegan monasteries in China, herbs were used as supplements.
There is a balance between watery foods and salt. If too much liquid is drunk or watery foods eaten, salt is washed out of the body. This puts the body in a stress mode which starts to, over time, shut down systems in the body. Eventually this will cause sickness.
It is important for everyone to drink the right amount of fluid to prevent over hydration, called hyponatremia. The key guideline, here is to get most of your water from food and salt your food to taste with sea salt.
Staying Healthy
There are many benefits to eating a diet high in vegetarian foods. Most of the world’s longevity cultures did just that. The above guidelines in my counseling and teaching practice have helped people to stay healthier who choose to eat an animal free vegan diet.
Lastly, some people who follow the guidelines above can’t stay well without including natural animal foods in their diets. This is a personal choice. Regarding health, I encourage people to keep an open mind as to what will work or not work for each individual. I’m seen many individuals greatly improve their health by adding in natural animal foods to their plant based diets.
by John Kozinski copyright July 2015
There are many reasons that people want to eat a vegan diet or a diet with absolutely no animal source products. There are ecological, social, health, and ethical reasons that are used to convince people to avoid all animal foods.
On the other hand, believe it or not, there are many people who argue that humans are purely carnivorous and that eating vegetables is unhealthy. Their arguments can seem as logical as vegans, but there is a great problem.
We live in a polarized world with everyone demonizing their perceived enemies. In the United States, politics are extremely nasty in some circles, never compromising one inch. In the world of diet, there are many absolutists that say meat or carbs or fats or cooked food is evil. No one wants to listen to the other side, but this is a great mistake because I’ve discovered over the years that the truth is usually in the middle.
After more than 40 years of studying, counseling and teaching people about diet, I believe the best diet for people is one that is natural and omnivorous including both animal and vegetable foods, yet I respect everyone’s choice of diet. I understand the Latin phrase, de gustibus non est disputandum, "In matters of taste, there can be no disputes" (literally "about tastes, it should not be disputed/discussed"). Our opinions that we believe are matters of taste.
I would like to help people eat a safer vegan diet. I have seen over the past 40 years lots of health problems including serious life threatening illnesses in those practicing an animal free vegan diet for many years. This led me to study and research unbiased nutritional and longevity diet information to find answers to help avoid the illnesses and deaths that were occurring among friends and colleagues.
Here are the main areas that I find can help people be safer on vegan diets.
Getting enough calories for energy is very important for keeping your metabolism healthy. Focus on calorie dense foods as the base of your meals. These include grains, tubers, natural fats and some sweeteners, fruits and juices.
The vegan foods that are highest in protein are still very low. Prepare a protein drink 1-2 times per day, aiming for 40-60 grams of protein per day. Bigger people need more and smaller less. Choose rice or pea protein powders. Soy protein can hurt the thyroid. Hemp protein, high in omega 3 fats can lower your metabolism causing a host of problems. I recommend avoiding soy and hemp protein. Avoid tofu and tempeh or eat these foods very infrequently.
Protein deficiencies affect moods, red and white blood cells, the immune system and all the muscles in your body including those in the digestive system. A lack of complete proteins can cause the liver to malfunction, and not rid the body of toxins.
Many vegans eat too many inflammatory polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Inflammation is a main cause of disease. The best fat to eat is a vegetable saturated fat, coconut oil followed by olive oil. Meat and other animal foods have a stimulating effect on the metabolism. Without animal foods, coconut oil can stimulate the metabolism.
These fats, also, raise the calorie count. Have a least a few tablespoons per day or 1 tablespoon or more at meals.
There are vitamins that are only readily available in animal source foods. For those who wish to stay healthy, it is important to supplement missing nutrients. These include B 12, B 6 and other B vitamins, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin A and D, and for some, specific amino acids such as L-Tyrosine or L-Carnitine. Certain individuals require other specific supplementation according to their present health condition. In vegetarian/vegan monasteries in China, herbs were used as supplements.
There is a balance between watery foods and salt. If too much liquid is drunk or watery foods eaten, salt is washed out of the body. This puts the body in a stress mode which starts to, over time, shut down systems in the body. Eventually this will cause sickness.
It is important for everyone to drink the right amount of fluid to prevent over hydration, called hyponatremia. The key guideline, here is to get most of your water from food and salt your food to taste with sea salt.
Staying Healthy
There are many benefits to eating a diet high in vegetarian foods. Most of the world’s longevity cultures did just that. The above guidelines in my counseling and teaching practice have helped people to stay healthier who choose to eat an animal free vegan diet.
Lastly, some people who follow the guidelines above can’t stay well without including natural animal foods in their diets. This is a personal choice. Regarding health, I encourage people to keep an open mind as to what will work or not work for each individual. I’m seen many individuals greatly improve their health by adding in natural animal foods to their plant based diets.