When I was a kid, there were painting kits that had you fill in colors referenced by numbers. If you saw a one, you painted it red, a two, blue, and so on. You didn’t have to think about which color was best. Many health books and practitioners advise natural remedies in this same way. For example, dandelion root is good for gall stones or vitamin C counters infections.
While this approach can be effective in some cases, there is a different and more effective way of recommending remedies that I use in my natural health consultations. Each herb, food or supplement has a specific effect on the body and mind. There is a way to understand the unique nature of each remedy in this way. To be effective, a natural remedy has to match the overall condition of a person.
In my system of diagnosis, each health problem has an underlying condition of a person’s organs and whole body that can be identified by observations and other methods. It is these underlying conditions that cause the disease and it ’symptoms. Natural remedies can be matched to rebalance a person’s condition. I find this method to be more successful that the paint by the numbers approach.
My method of diagnosis can be employed to prevent future problems by identifying tendencies in a person’ condition; natural remedies along with diet and lifestyle suggestions are made to rebalance the condition and avoid future problems.
People can learn more about my approach in classes, trainings and personal health consultations.