There can be psychological issues for some people around the consumption of dairy products due to biased information and fear mongering. Because of the impact of fear, some people experience effects from eating dairy. They expect problems to occur such as mucus in the lungs or will attribute health problems to dairy that are caused for other reasons in their eating or condition. Once this psychological issue is overcome they are fine and can eat healthy dairy products. Some people may prefer goat or sheep’s dairy products. If someone has a diagnosed real dairy allergy, they may have to avoid dairy products.
I have clients who did not eat dairy products for decades and successfully reintroduced them without any of the mucus myths occurring and only good results. Some have used dairy products successfully for healing. They use high quality grass fed products most of the time or organic.
Starting slowly is key as each person is unique and modern living has created many anomalies that never existed before. I have had people able to tolerate dairy products from grass fed animals who couldn’t tolerate commercial dairy products.
If someone without a diagnosed dairy allergy has a real reaction to reintroducing dairy, an explanation of why this may happen is that dairy can act like a probiotic creating beneficial bacteria which may initially create some distress for certain people.
I have an updated macrobiotic study program where people can learn a Full Spectrum Macrobiotic Approach for the 21st century including the introduction of dairy and animal foods for those who choose to incorporate them along with how to be safe on vegan diet for others. https://www.macrobiotic.com/diagnosisnutrition-health-coach-training-program-21-classes.html