New Year’s is a time of resolutions for the year ahead. Instead of resolutions, one might consider actions to take based on learning what supports your overall well-being.
In ancient China they developed an understanding that, upon careful inspection, might be called a universal insight. It is known as the three treasures. The three treasures of the human system are jing or essence, qi/chi or energy/motivating force and shen or spirit/consciousness.
These three treasures are the keys to overall health and emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Jing is the concentrated energy of the substance of our organs, tissues and cells. Qi is the energy that animates us, activating all functions of the body and mind. Shen is our consciousness, emotions and mental functioning.
For health, these three treasures are one unit, the jingqishen field. Each area affects and benefits the others when we balance one of the three. A different take on resolutions is to self-reflect on where there might be holes in any of these three areas and fill them.
Through teaching and counseling I help people address where they might be holes or leaks in each of these fields. If our diet is poor or missing nutrients or too rich in certain ways; this will affect the jing/essence or substance of the body. I write about basic healthy guidelines here: https://www.macrobiotic.com/blog/the-4-foundations-of-health-1-eating
Jing or inner strength is depleted by over activity of any type and stress. Rest and relaxation are important for rebuilding jing: https://www.macrobiotic.com/blog/4-foundations-of-health-3-rest-and-relaxation
One of the best ways to build internal energy is by practicing high quality Qigong exercises. https://www.macrobiotic.com/energy-healing.html
Chi is derived from breath and food. It is used up by doing activities. Breathing exercises in Qigong, eating well and having a balanced lifestyle is important to restore and preserve our energy.
The shen is depleted by being over emotional, called excessive emotionality, and using the mind excessively. There are several ways to restore shen. The best ways is through a regular mediation practice that slows down the thinking process and through certain tonic herbs such as Reishi.
To learn more read here: https://www.macrobiotic.com/blog/4th-foundation-of-health-mental-attitude
and listen here: https://www.macrobiotic.com/audio-longevity-approach-to-herbs.html
Self-reflection is the key to moving forward in our lives. Reflecting on our jingqishen field is a powerful way to change our health and our lives. We wish you a happy and healthy new year with the help of the three treasures.