My advice is based on understanding the state of imbalances that are present in a client's body and mind. To this end, I employ a type of visual, touch and aural diagnosis that I developed through the study of oriental medicines, progressive modern biology and health research. I call this IDx Diagnosis®.
All information that is gathered from medical testing is useful for me to understand the advice I need to give, but there is an essential difference between myself and alternative doctors and counselors. If someone's cholesterol or other blood markers are off, I also look at other signs of imbalance in the organs through my diagnosis to see what is contributing to this.
From my study of oriental medicines, there is a hierarchy of systems that are out of balance that create problems in the blood:
1.The Lungs and Digestive Functions: These two areas of the body are responsible for creating energy and blood/nutrition. They interact with each other to fuel the body with proper nutrients and vitality.
2.The Liver and Colon: If the blood and energy is disturbed, it affects the liver and colon functions. If the lung, digestive, liver and colon functions are disturbed for a long time, imbalances pass on to a deeper level.
3.The Adrenal Glands, Thyroid and Pancreas: If a person's diet is not supplying enough energy and nutrients or if the lifestyle is sapping too many nutrients or energy from the system, these glands are involved and start to affect the whole body function. The adrenal glands (and along with it the thyroid) are considered the internal energy bank of the body. When this internal energy is overdrawn from its bank account, may health problems arise especially those associated with aging (diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.)
The first step in experiental education is balancing one's diet in order to restore balance to the body. The nutrients and energy from food fuel all bodily functions. To this end, a whole foods diet based on adequate nutrients including carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables, fruit and natural sugars, proteins from animal and vegetable sources, fats from balanced oils and whole foods along with other natural foods. These are recommended in a particular way to restore balance to organs that are seen to be troubled through IDx Diagnosis® along with relevant medical tests.
I will recommend specific foods for an imbalanced organ. Vitamin rich foods are suggested to balance a weak digestive system. Traditionally foods such as organ meats, eggs, fatty fish and fish eggs high in vitamin A were considered deeply strengthening to the whole body. Modern research shows these foods heal the digestive organs because of their high vitamin A content.
When a person eats to balance their organs according to the recommendations I give, an education is taking place. The body and mind is learning through the experience of eating what a more balanced state of health feels like. My diet recommendations last for 3-4 months.
It takes 120 days for all the blood cells to change according to modern biology. As the body becomes more balanced, the person feels what it is like to be in balance with their health. My recommendations may change to balance the body for the next 120 days although in actual practice, in a re-visit consultation, I often have to correct the diet that I recommended because it wasn't followed enough.
For example, I might recommend that a person avoids raw food because they have an energy deficiency. Raw foods like all watery foods lower the metabolism. In oriental medicines, this is known as an energy deficiency. After 4 months, it might not be necessary to avoid all raw foods. If the metabolism is still low, I might recommend continuing to avoid them or add in foods to raise the metabolism such as grass fed meat or wild salmon.
For people with chronic or serious conditions, seeing me every 3 months for a year or two helps them to continue on the healing journey by learning about the effects of different foods that I'm suggesting. After this period is over, many see me for an annual checkup. Along with this personal experiential education, I suggest intellectual studies of my programs and writings to help make more sense of their experiential education.