From a holistic view, low libido related to poor nutrition will cause a person to lack the extra energy needed for healthy sexual functioning. Some people have health conditions that require more nutrients than a well-balanced natural foods diet alone can provide.
Because we do not live in a perfect world where optimum nutrition is always available even if we eat well, we have to take steps to enjoy a healthy sex life at any age. Nature in the big picture only cares about reproduction and continuation of the species, not longevity. Because of this, extra steps are needed to maintain our health. Most people will find that vitamins, minerals and other nutritional supplements help foster the best states of well-being in all areas of our lives, in and out of bed.
The key nutrients for good sexual functioning are the following:
B vitamins: B vitamins are essential to provide energy for reacting and responding to our lovers and enhancing circulation to the sexual organs. These can be taken as a B complex, in a high potency multiple vitamin and if needed separately. Extra sublingual B12 is needed for vegetarians, vegans, those with poor digestion and people over 60. B vitamins are depleted by stress, too much coffee or alcohol and exercise.
Vitamin C: creates sex hormones and produces the brain chemical, dopamine. Dopamine is essential for the brain stimulation that creates sexual interest. C is depleted by stress, too much coffee or alcohol, and exercise.
Zinc: necessary for the production of testosterone. Testosterone is essential for the sex drive and circulation to the reproductive organs in both men and women. Vegans and vegetarians should supplement this mineral since certain vegetarian foods can block the absorption of zinc.
Selenium: keeps the immune system strong, produces sperm and protects the heart to insure good circulation throughout the body including to the sexual organs for men and women.
Other nutrients that may need to be supplemented include vitamin E, magnesium, and depending on
the person, several others.