Later I began to question more teachings as long time vegan macrobiotic teachers and followers died of cancer, heart disease and more. I concluded some ideas still had merit such as eating a mostly whole foods organic diet with a base of plant foods.
Other aspects of health teachings I learned needed updating, One aspect is about supplements from food or other sources. 20th century macrobiotic teachings were vehemently against taking supplements even food based ones. Teachers and counselors told people to avoid them. After a period of time I discovered there are several reasons why it makes sense to take vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements in addition to all the illnesses, deaths and nutritional deficiencies I witnessed among people following anti supplement advice.
In my Diagnosis+Nutrition Health Coach Training, I have a section that explains in more detail why I believe people need supplements. This is the only updated training program on 21st century macrobiotic longevity teachings that exists today as other programs are based on the outdated 20th century teachings. These teachings ignore the new scientific discoveries that explain about the need for various nutrients in food and through supplements for modern times. You can learn more about my program here.
A summary of the reasons for the need for vitamin and food supplements include: genetics, our toxic environment, stress, anti-aging, damage from free radicals, agricultural practices and transportation, health history and unique individual nutritional needs.
Two of the above issues are enough to support why we need extra nutrition. Many of us have genetic weaknesses because of the 20th century eating practices of our parents. All of our ancestors lived in for the most part unpolluted environments compared to today.
Food supplements can help us to boost our health. I recommend everyone look into these and others. Here is partial list with some key benefits. There are many more than I’m listing.
- Cod Liver Oil: helpful in Syndrome X-obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, adult onset diabetes, and stroke.
- Green Powders such as Chlorella: help to regulate hormones, help with metabolism, improve circulation, and promotie higher levels of energy. It also helps to reduce weight and body fat, and removes stored toxins.
- Brewer’s Yeast: Look for low heat processed. It strengthens the immune system.
- Fish Eggs: This is so concentrated in vitamin A; it is like a food supplement for better eyesight, anemia, immunity and more. Look for ones with no dyes.
- Gelatinized Maca: increases libido, lifts moods, improves bone density and increases energy.
I believe warnings about supplements are often exaggerated in the media for commercial reasons.1