Potassium iodide pills were sold out by many of the American distributors after the disaster in Fukishima. Potassium iodide pills protect a person from the harmful effects of radioactive iodine by blocking it’s uptake into the thyroid. One possible serious effect of exposure to large doses of radioactive iodine is thyroid cancer.
There are some natural foods that will protect you from radiation. Here is a list with some explanations.
- Leafy greens: This will stimulate the colon and will help the liver discharge radiation from the body. Have in 1 cup servings. Excessive amounts of green vegetables can slow the thyroid and metabolism so eat in the amounts recommended here.
- Fermented foods: They will have the same effect as leafy greens. These include miso and pickles like sauerkraut. Pickles should be prepared without vinegar, sugar or additives. This type of pickle is found in the refrigerated section of your natural foods store. It can be made at home as a long or short time fermented vegetable.
- Avoid refined sugars. These will ferment in your gut and interfere with elimination
- Avoid excessive amounts of whole wheat flour products. The excess fiber will interfere with gut bacteria, hampering elimination.
- Avoid uncooked roasted grain such as granola. This type of food puts a strain on digestion which affects the colon’s elimination function.
- Eat grains, cooked vegetables, small amounts of beans regularly, wild fish or naturally raised beef, lamb or poultry daily, along with some cooked fruit, healthy fats and natural seasonings. The amino acids in animal protein support liver detoxification.
- Limit raw foods. Raw fiber is harder to digest and will hamper elimination.
- Saturated fats in the form of natural butter, avocado, and coconut oil block the toxicity of radioactive ions. Increase these in times of a nuclear disaster.
- Fatty fish; Fat soluble vitamins in fatty fish like wild salmon or sardines aid elimination. Eat these more often in a disaster.
- Take kelp tablets from cleaner waters or kombu powder made from kombu from cleaner waters. The natural iodine can replace the potassium iodine pills. Take a pill every 1-2 hours if exposed to radiation. North American Herb and Spice Company has good quality kelp under the name, PureKelp.
- Miso: Miso has a substance that will remove radiation from the body. Prepare soups and season with a strong taste of miso if there is nuclear disaster. Drink 3 cups per day.
- Umeboshi Plums: Take 1-2 daily. This will stimulate the liver and colon to eliminate radiation.
- Supplements for Radiation disasters: Selenium - take 200 micrograms of selenomethionine every hour for one week then 600 micrograms daily. Vitamin E - 400 IU every hour for 1-2 days, then 2400 IU daily for a month. Buy Vitamin E as mixed tocopherols and/or tocotrienols.
- North American Herb and Spice Company has a product that combines herbs, supplements and potassium iodine. It is called NukeProtect.
- Eat regular meals with adequate volume of foods. It is important to not skip meals or eat too little. A lack of calories will cause the metabolism to drop. This will slow the elimination of toxins such as radiation.