I developed IDX Diagnosis® after many decades of studying traditional diagnosis systems of China, India and Japan. My system integrates a traditional eastern medical way of seeing the body interpreted through the eyes of modern biology.
After studying eastern systems, I came to realize that they were talking about the same systems that modern biology discovered through anatomy, analysis and experimentation. The eastern medicines were based upon observation and clinical experience.
In ancient China and many other cultures in the same area, dissection was prohibited. Some say that doctors on the battlefield did look at the organs and make notes. The charts of the organ locations are surprisingly accurate given the prohibition against dissection.
The depth of the voice is related in traditional oriental medicines of China and nearby cultures to the health of the lungs and the colon. I’ve found that there are physical correspondences to most of the diagnostic signs of oriental medicines. In this case the function of the colon and lungs is closely related to the diaphragm.
The diaphragm is the dome-shaped sheet of muscle and tendon that serves as the main muscle of respiration and plays a vital role in the breathing process. Also known as the thoracic diaphragm, it serves as an important anatomical landmark that separates the thorax, or chest, from the abdomen. Modern biology recognized the connection to the lungs, but not the connection to the colon. Oriental medicines recognized that if the function of the colon and lungs is healthy, this can be heard in the voice because the voice is affected by the strength of the diaphragm.
This is why I believe that one of the major practices of qigong exercises from China and other countries in the area is diaphragmic breathing.
A healthy diaphragm will create good circulation both in the lungs and colon. The lungs, of course, are important because they take in oxygen, a catalyst for every metabolic function of the body’s cells and get rid of excess carbon dioxide. Oxygen is needed to burn the fuel [sugars and fatty acids] in our cells to produce energy.
I have discovered that if you strengthen the colon, you strengthen the lungs. If you strengthen the lungs, you strengthen the colon. TOM or Traditional Oriental Medicines recognized this connection.
The way to diagnose the lungs and colon through the voice in IDX Diagnosis® is based upon Traditional Oriental Medicine’s method of listening to the depth and resonance of the voice. If the voice is deep and resonant like a bell, the colon and lungs are in a healthy state. This means that the diaphragm is moving well when speaking. If the voice is shallow and thin with no resonance, the lungs and colon are weak. People with a shallow voice will suffer from fatigue, a tendency to depression, constipation and other colon related problems, skin issues and or weak immunity. Some people will have one or several of these symptoms. These are the links known over the last few thousands of years in Traditional Oriental Medicines.
People can also have an overly deep voice. This sign indicates a stagnant condition of the lungs and colon.
In IDX Diagnosis®, I see underlying conditions as overall metabolic or energy imbalances. A person with a shallow voice has a deficient energy or low metabolism. This is caused by stress in diet and lifestyle leading to depletion or exhaustion. To reverse this condition, dietary practices that weaken the metabolism have to be stopped while a healthy balanced Full Spectrum Macrobiotic Approach to eating with ample nutrition must be followed.
How to do this depends on the condition of the rest of a person’s body. In some cases, the deficient condition is caused by missing nutrients such as adequate calories or natural concentrated animal protein, excess work or exercise. In other cases, a person is eating or doing something that is sapping their energy such as taking excessive amounts of stimulating substances such as drugs, alcohol, medicine, sugar, coffee, not getting enough sleep or working too much. The strategy for this person in diet, lifestyle, exercises and supplements is to strengthen the metabolism.
A person with an overly low voice is a sign that there is stagnant condition from overeating poor quality meat and animal foods, poor quality fats and flour products with a low amount of physical exercise in their lifestyle. Lighter foods that are mildly cleansing such as lightly cooked greens, mild spices, other foods, supplements and herbs that release stagnation are recommended along with a well-balanced Full Spectrum Macrobiotic Approach to diet. Other adjustments in a healthy diet may be suggested.
In my consultations I first have people tell me about the health issues that they are coming to see me for. I listen closely to their voice while there are telling me about their health problems, listening to the depth and resonance and many other qualities of the voice that indicate different health and organ imbalances.
I do a lot of long distance health counseling. Voice diagnosis over Skype or the phone has been very insightful to me as an aid to helping understand a person’s health condition. Voice diagnosis acts as a guide in recommending suggestions to improve the person’s overall health.
The depth and resonance of the voice is just one important aspect of IDX Diagnosis® for the voice. There are other sounds of a person’s speaking that give insights about the health of the different major organs in the body.