This crisis hasn’t made the headlines No panel of experts have been seen discussing this on television. Everyone is touched by this silent yet palpable crisis to some degree and yet, not many recognize the extent and existence of the problem before us. No one speaks of it
The crisis that I speak of is the health crisis; the epidemic of degenerative diseases and poor health that is in progress in the United States, and all other developed countries throughout the world. Cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, kidney and other diseases are the leading players in this dangerous situation.
Degenerative diseases such as the aforementioned don't appear overnight. Many years of poor health is the prelude to serious illnesses. Today even the young complain of poor health. Complaints such as tiredness, mental fog, aches, pains, and a host of others are commonplace among all ages. Blotchy and pasty skin, dull and lack luster hair, excessive weight gain, chronic fatigue, poor concentration and a loss of physical and mental flexibility eventually follow suit. Symptoms of poor health make life a struggle, cutting down the quality and enjoyment of life.
There seems to be something drastically wrong. Chronic or degenerative sickness and poor health are not things we need to suffer through. As with other members of the animal kingdom, health and well-being is the normal state of human existence. There are steps that can be taken to return to vibrant health.
Human beings were not made to suffer with debilitating diseases. There is enough evidence that suggests that the way that we live is the key to sickness or health. Surviving traditional people, who were studied within 20th and 21st centuries, were found to be free of most of the degenerative diseases that plague modern people. All of the groups surveyed were doing the same things that prevented degenerative diseases and created excellent health. The common factor was that people ate and lived in manner that was drastically different than people living in modern countries.
There is a system of healthy living which combines the ancient wisdom of traditional cultures with a modern understanding of the body and nutrition. This method is called 'macrobiotics' or the macrobiotic approach. I do not mean a diet. I refer to an approach to diet based on the principles of balance. This is quite different from what you will read in most books on macrobiotics from George Oshawa’s time forward with the exception of progressive ones like the Energetics of Food by Steve Gagne.
'Macrobiotics' is a word culled from the ancient Greek language. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, first mentioned it. Hippocrates used this word to describe people who had longevity and good health by following the laws of nature.
There are two ways that can be used to explain the meaning of the term, ' macrobiotics'. First, 'Macrobiotics' is the way of life that creates health and longevity by living in harmony with nature or the environment. Some form of ’Macrobiotics’ was practiced throughout the world by most traditional people. Secondly, the word.' macrobiotic', describes a way of seeing the world or of looking at anything from a greater perspective. The word macrobiotic as an adjective means seeing the 'big picture' of any situation.
Macrobiotics, then, is a way of life in harmony with the laws of nature or a view of life from a larger perspective. In combination, and most importantly for the crisis at hand, macrobiotics is the way of life to create or re-create health by broadening our perspective to take into account and practice the most fundamental elements of health.
The power of food is central to macrobiotic teaching. In traditional cultures, there were common patterns of eating that ensured good health and freedom from disease. To create good health, to prevent disease, and recover health, it is important to adopt these eating habits. Adjustments in the teachings of diet also need to differ from those of traditional people because of stresses that we have to contend with today, such as industrial pollution, overpopulated areas, and lack emotional and psychological support systems. Adjustments in the teaching of diet have to take into account the poor eating habits that most people have followed since childhood. Modern nutritional wisdom is used in progressive contemporary macrobiotic approaches to encompass a greater perspective of what to eat for health. Macrobiotic dietary recommendations center on natural foods such as whole grains, vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts, wild fish, eggs, poultry, natural dairy products, a variety of naturally raised animal foods, fruit and other natural foods.
Ways of life suggestions are the next cornerstone of the macrobiotic approach to health. Two areas are important, what to incorporate in your daily lifestyle to support health and how to minimize the negative effects of modern technology. Such practices as exercise, regular eating patterns and chewing are examples of macrobiotic lifestyle suggestions.
The third cornerstone of macrobiotic health involves how to recover from minor and major illnesses through dietary adjustments, natural remedies and healing techniques. Around the planet, the same tried and tested principles have been used successfully in natural healing methods. These principles have appeared under different names. Modern macrobiotics uses the well-known oriental terms of yin and yang or the philosophy of balance to understand illness and health.
Using the principles of yin and yang in regards to understanding illness means understanding the dance of opposites involved in the body's operation and how the body became unbalanced. Modern and progressive macrobiotic healthcare approaches have developed into effective systems of healing through food, lifestyle, natural remedies and body therapies such as exercise, palm healing and massage. The basic goal of these healing strategies is to return the body and mind to a balanced state.
All phenomena can be seen from a bigger or macrobiotic view. Although the macrobiotic lens can be used to enhance our understanding of all aspects of life, urgent health crises calls for a solution that progressive macrobiotic approaches can ably address.
Anyone can benefit from balanced macrobiotic approaches to health and healing. If you are suffering from a chronic or serious disease, progressive macrobiotic approaches offer effective and powerful self-healing techniques for you to use. If you would like to restore your level of vitality or feel and look better mentally and physically, adopting a macrobiotic eating pattern and lifestyle will let you achieve this goal. Whether you are a health conscious eater or a fast foods fan, a full spectrum macrobiotic way of eating and food selection can help to better balance your eating and in the process create health and prevent disease.
My macrobiotic approach to diet reflects the latest information about diet from the findings of progressive modern nutritional studies combined with the real way healthy traditional people ate around the world. I do not recommend the overly restrictive dietary plans outlined in many macrobiotic books on the market today. These diets are best for short term use, if at all, but many of these books do feature wonderful natural foods that can be individually incorporated into a healthy balanced diet. The principles of balance, as mentioned, can also have far reaching benefits that can be applied to all areas of life.
I have been teaching people about the macrobiotic way for 38 years. My teaching and counseling travels have brought me throughout the U.S, to South America and the Far East. I am personally driven by a dream. I dream of a planet full of people who are happy, healthy and free of degenerative diseases. I envision more peaceful and productive cultures of these healthy people that will be of benefit to nature and humanity. I believe that through the spread of this simple and elegant philosophy of health that this dream can be a possibility. Healthy eating alone will not bring about a peaceful world but it will ensure sound health as a foundation for better thinking in order to address the challenges that humanity faces.